I haven't posted anything here in a long time. I feel like I've been all over the world. I went on 2 trips in the last month and haven't had time to post. I do now though!! I recieved a beautiful package from Veronica for the April Affair (IYOP swap). Here is what she sent:

she bought me the print from jenoaks on etsy- isn't it lovely?? I think it looks like me. I love everything! I have been wearing the bag everywhere and I love the earrings and the bunny teeth candy. I just love her!!
Here are the things that I sent to Petite Tricoteuse for the ROUND 3 of the Felt Mascot Food Swap.

a crepe, popsicles, sushi, a peach, and an artichoke

cute little desserts!!
I sm going to make some new stuff for the old etsy shop! Check it out! I HAVE CUTE NEW BUTTONS!!